
w a d or forward, left, right for forward movement and turning, apace for shooting, just like the old asteroid games. you can switch between 4 weapons with 1 - 4.

  1. normal
  2. sword
  3. cannon
  4. minigun

and with 5-7 you can turn on and off the embigener, and the emsmallener (spellings hard)

5. normal

6. BIG

7. Small


with the extradimensionals using this universe as a science lab, they sent in the Roombas to deal with any interference.

  • The Mob Ball, a mob enemy that spawns in high numbers and swarms you dealing contact damage. a spiky ball with not much else
  • The orbital, an interceptor that finds their targets and takes them down either through bullets or janky orbits
  • The Charger, a not so threatening enemy that charges up a dash to slam through the competition at high speeds.
  • The mage, identified by the blockhole core, affected by the size warping effects, when big uses its gravitational power to fling nearby objects at you, and when small, fire a wide spread of bullets to put holes through you
  • oh and i guess asteroids, but they already existed

Space Warp

The Extradimensionals decided to play with our universe, using us as guineapigs, and killing off almost all life in the progress, now attempt to stabilize what's left and save the few who survived.

a game made for the 2024 gmtk game jam by a team of four amateurs. this is an asteroid esk game wherein you must go and research four anomalies to undo this apocalypse, collecting artifacts of what's left to help you limp along to the finish line.


Hell. that was mostly it, first game jam and we crammed in the last night to get something playable, and this is that, scrapped wave mechanic, artifacts and even a big boss.

I Guise was the one who wanted to try this and led the charge.

Serzial was the other programmer on the team, having experience with what i did not, carried me through menus and stats i have no expeirence with, and single handedly built the wave system scraped for time.

AceAnnieBean the amazing artist who made the great thumbnail and much of the unfortunately scrapped art. phenominal at what they do but a little out of their comfort zone.

and finally FozBoiii a friend who's art skills was an amazing gift to the project, who helped keep me going. they did most art you see in game.

(yeah i know this aint no awards ceremony, but credit where credits due)

Everything was made in house, code by Guise and serzial, ship and art by AceAnnieBean, and most other art seen in game by FozBoiii